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Lise Smed Olsen

Research Fellow

Lise  is no longer employed at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact [email protected]

Lise is a member of the Editorial Board of Nordregio News.

Academic qualifications

PhD Student at Aalborg University, Department of Culture and Global Studies
Master of Arts, Communication, Culture & Globalization - English, Aalborg University


  • Danish
  • English

Prior positions

Research Assistant, Department of History, International and Social Studies, Aalborg University, 2008/10 - 2009/01

"Territorial Knowledge Dynamics: Making a Difference to Territorial Innovation Models and Public Policy?"

The concept of territorial knowledge dynamics (TKDs) has been introduced as an update to existing territorial innovation models (TIMs), questioning the focus of TIMs on technological innovation, as well as the traditional distinction between production and consumption. This paper considers whether the TKD concept can "make a difference" compared to traditional TIMs, in general, and, in particular, in relation to public policy played out at the regional level.

Olsen, L. S. (2012) Territorial Knowledge Dynamics: Making a Difference to Territorial Innovation Models and Public Policy?, European Planning Studies, Vol. 20, 11, pp. 1785-1801

Publications and presentations by Lise Smed Olsen