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Territorial strategies supported by EU territorial tools

The use of integrated territorial tools has gained prominence in Cohesion policy. In particular, the urban dimension of Cohesion policy has been strengthened for the 2014-2020 period. The aim of this study is to analyse the implementation of the territorial strategies within sustainable urban development under Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation.

The study will fulfill the following objectives:

  • to collect all the relevant individual territorial strategies that have been developed in view of the new territorial provisions;
  • to establish a database of the strategies with comparable factual information based on the above;
  • to identify good practices in the use of the new territorial provisions based on an in-depth analysis of a sample of 50 strategies;
  • to analyse differences and similarities among the set-up and implementation of the 50 territorial strategies and identify factors that explain them; and
  • to outline a methodology for measuring the effectiveness of these new provisions in the coming years.


Sweco and EPRC - University of Strathclyde have been mandated to undertake the study. Nordregio will carry out the study in Denmark and Sweden.
