Specifically the project had two main goals: to increase the cross-border flow of information for mobile job seekers/school leavers as well as enterprises/employers/investors already located or willing to settle in the border region raising attractiveness of the target region as a homogeneous, economic area. The project also targeted to stimulate cross-border partnerships between economic actors, relevant institutions and associations as well as strategic investments by offering targeted and comparable information on four labour markets in Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Finland.
The project set up an information platform on labour-market issues, professional trainings, qualifications and job opportunities in the common cross-border area of Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. The aim of the web platform was to improve the availability of information on cross-border issues.
Nordregio had the overall responsibility for work package three related to the research of professions and analysis of cross-border labour markets. Analysis of the cross-border labour markets also functioned as basis for the creation of the web platform. As a result of the analysis, a final report on cross-border labour mobility in the Central Baltic region was published.
Please visit the platform on cross-border labour mobility in the Central Baltic region at www.cbjobferry.eu
The final report and outcome on the analysis of the labour markets can be downloaded at www.nordregio.se/R20132
A policy brief targeted at regional, national and EU levels can be downloaded at www.cbjobferry.eu/publications