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Centralbaltic Job Ferry Final Conference

Cross-Border Labour Market Mobility in the Central Baltic Region

19 March 2013, Riga, Latvia

The conference is the final event of the Centralbaltic Job Ferry project and will bring together representatives from labour market authorities and organisations, research institutes and NGOs from Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden to discuss cross-border labour market mobility in the Central Baltic region.

The conference includes parallel working sessions in which participants can discuss recent trends in cross-border mobility and policy and learn about practical examples (e.g. the CBJF platform) and good practices related to cross-border mobility. The conference provides a forum for exchange of experiences and facilitates cooperation between actors in order to increase cross-border mobility in the region.

The conference is organised by the University of Latvia in cooperation with the project partners Nordregio, Institute of Baltic Studies and Turku University of Applied Sciences.

Participation is free of charge. For more information and registration, please, contact Ms. Viktorija Stadnika at [email protected].

Venue: University of Latvia, Raina boulevard 19, Small Hall, Riga, Latvia