• The Packaging Greenhouse has led to innovation development by combining knowledge from researchers with the needs of the companies in the sector. This has also led to the establishment of new companies in the region.
• The Compare Test lab has led to inward investment and research cooperation within the EU´s seventh framework programme.
• Packaging Media lab has encouraged the packaging industry in Japan to initiate long-term business cooperation with the region.
• The material technical centre at the university has led to product development cooperation between a global steel company and a local company.
Assessments show that the participating companies have a stronger desire to grow than other companies in the region. The companies have also increased their participation in research and development and further:
• 30% of the companies say that they have increased their sales.
• 15% of the companies have increased their number of employees.
• 60% of the companies can now recruit the right skills.
• 75% of the companies predict new innovations and products.
• 90% of the companies cooperate with the academic sector.
By using cluster organisations as 'knowledge brokers' and focusing on innovation platforms innovation growth takes place in the region. The visibility of the region increases and it becomes easier for companies to recruit the right competencies.
One challenge is however to retain a long-term perspective when funding is often only short term. Another is for cluster leaders to be at one and the same time communicators, sales persons and pioneers bringing together businesspeople, researchers, students and politicians and getting them all to share a common vision of sustainable growth, innovation and a better performing region.
Over the last ten years Region Värmland together with the cluster organisations and Karlstad University have come a long way in building a regional innovation system based on market orientation, renewal and trust.
Karlstad University has, moreover, seen its researcher complement rise rapidly while the number of students involved in the cluster companies is also increasing. We can also see new companies developing and several inspiring innovation projects being undertaken.
The next challenge will be to connect international partners more closely to the university and to the cluster organisations. It will also be important to market the innovation platforms internationally in order to attract more foreign actors and investment. Developing the connections between the SMEs and the university is also important. A first important step has been taken with the establishment of a cluster room for SMEs at Karlstad University.
Unemployment rates remain high however and the population is continuing to decline. The entrepreneurial culture must therefore be supported and enhanced further.

Värmland´s regional innovation system as presented by Region Värmland
The reportage about innovation in Värmland is part of the Nordregio REKENE-project. The articles were provided by:
Staffan Bjurulf, Regional Advisor, Region Värmlan and Anders Olsson, Enterprise and Innovation Manager