1999: The Paper Province is founded as a cooperative association. Seven pulp and paper technological companies agree to arrange common education and train human resources in the region. The University College becomes Karlstad University.
2000: Five information technology companies, Ericsson, Telia, WM Data, Enator and Net Nova initiate the Competence Area, Compare, in order to attract skilled people to the region. Design in Värmland – a living lab is formed.
2001: Region Värmland is formed and the regional politicians start with a visit to the big companies in the region to offer cooperation and support. The dialogue formed with these companies results in the launching of a new cluster policy.
2003: The regional assembly approves the regional growth programme. Invest in Värmland Agency is formed. Värmland joins the Cluster Linked over Europe partnership, part of Interreg III C, in order to exchange knowledge with other skilled cluster regions in Europe.
2004: A company test lab in pulp and paper is transformed into an independent and open test lab – The Packaging Greenhouse – run by The Paper Province. The Packaging Arena is formed. The Packaging Arena is a corporate association connected to the Service Research Centre at Karlstad University, which focuses on consumer driven packaging solutions.
2005: The new programme for European Regional Fund NUTS 2 of North Mid Sweden is formed by the regional organisations. The programme runs for the period 2007-2013 and focuses on innovation platforms in North Mid Sweden with a total of 170 million euros funding available. A programme for new (replacement) jobs after the restructuring of the Swedish defence system enables investment in cluster development.
2006: An OECD expert committee makes a regional review of Värmland and recommends a greater focus on the clusters, both in the region and at the university. Karlstad University qualifies as a part of the National Key Actors programme, a VINNOVA-programme that promotes cooperation with the surrounding society. The second open test lab – Compare Test Lab is established. The third test lab – Packaging Media Lab is established in the region. The cluster organisation Steel and Engineering is formed.
2007: The government appoints Region Värmland to be officially responsible for regional development. This provides for stronger regional political leadership. Region Värmland together with Region Dalarna and Region Gävleborg starts the cooperation project SLIM, Systematic leadership of innovation platforms. Cluster organisations get financial support from the ERDF.
2008: Region Värmland launches a new Regional Development Programme and a Research & Innovation strategy linked to Karlstad University. Glava Energy Centre is formed. Kil Innovation Food Arena, KIFA is formed. Cooperation is established with the European Cluster Observatory.
2009: The Care and Wellness sector is identified as a future growth sector in Värmland
2010: A research agreement between Region Värmland and Karlstad University is formed, which devotes 10 new professors and research for 150 million SEK over a five year period to the cluster organisations. A new PhD programme is set up focusing on clusters and cluster development run by Karlstad University. Region Värmland is appointed to lead an advisory board in conjunction with the European Cluster Observatory. The SLIM project is chosen as one of the three best representative projects for Sweden in Brussels.

Timber, water and ore have formed the traditional basis for economic activity in Värmland. Photo shows the region´s famous Klaraälven. Photo: Per Eriksson
The reportage about innovation in Värmland is part of the Nordregio REKENE-project. The articles were provided by:
Staffan Bjurulf, Regional Advisor, Region Värmlan and Anders Olsson, Enterprise and Innovation Manager