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Arctic ahead!EU, Greenland and Finnmark
For people living in sparsely populated areas like Hammerfest future job security is of the utmost importance. However, perhaps more than anything else here, the lesson of history is that there are no guarantees even if the resources are more or less just outside your door. Much of the production of oil and gas in the North Sea is offshore, and with further technological developments this can also become the case for the High North.
Download the whole issue as pdf
- Editorial: No guarantees for the Arctic peoples- Norway: Uncertainty in the High North- Gas flares in Hammerfest- A State Company's regional dilemmas- Official Norwegian oil policy- No Nordic shortage of labour- Coastal states and their Arctic claims- Greenland: Sub-surface and Self-government- A new Arctic Agenda for the EU- Greenland village futures- Potentials for Trans-Arctic Shipping- The Nordic States and Polar Geopolitics- Potential Nordic bioenergy production
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