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  • Nordregio Research

Maritime Space

The Baltic Sea Region is one of Nordregio’s four geographical focal areas. Our background has previously mainly been in research on terrestrial spatial planning, but Nordregio is becoming more and more involved in maritime issues also. On this page, you can learn about our latest projects related to maritime spatial planning.

PanBaltic SCOPE

The objective of the project is to contribute to more coherent maritime spatial planning (MSP) strategies in the Baltic Sea region (BSR) and to build lasting macro-regional mechanisms for cross-border MSP cooperation.. Find out more about PanBaltic SCOPE.

Towards coherence and cross-border solutions in Maritime Spatial Planning (Baltic SCOPE)

Economic activities in the Baltic Sea Region are rapidly increasing. The emergence of new activities, such as the development of offshore wind farms, has enhanced competition for sea space and added additional pressure to the sustainable utilization of sea areas. As both national and sectorial interests increasingly overlap, there is need to adopt a more holistic approach in the development of processes and practices for the sustainable management of maritime spaces.In response to these developments, the EU launched the 2014 Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), directing all EU Member States to establish and implement national Maritime Spatial Plans. Projects such as Baltic SCOPE, financed by DG Mare, contribute to this process by supporting national planning authorities in the development of common processes designed to seek solutions to transboundary issues in the Baltic Sea Region. Find out more about Baltic SCOPE.

BONUS BASMATI - Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services

BONUS BASMATI project aims to develop an innovative decision support system for maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region. The overall objectives of BONUS BASMATI are to: 1) develop integrated and innovative solutions for maritime spatial planning related to marine and coastal ecosystem services and marine protected areas, 2) develop and apply spatial decision support systems including data discovery and exchange facilities, 3) develop means for interactive multi-level, multi-stakeholder and cross-sector governance. Find out more about BONUS BASMATI.