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Mats  Stjernberg

Research Fellow

Mats has a background in urban geography and regional studies. His main research interests include themes concerning urban development and neighborhood change and questions concerning postwar housing estates and segregation in particular.

Academic qualifications

Ongoing PhD in Urban Geography, University of Helsinki, Finland

Msc in Urban Geography, University of Helsinki, Finland (2011)



  • Swedish
  • Finnish
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish

Prior positions

Senior researcher at the City of Helsinki Urban Facts, Finland (2016–2017)

Doctoral candidate at the Department of Geosciences and Geography at the University of Helsinki, Finland (2012–2016)

Junior expert at the ESPON coordination unit, Luxembourg (2011)


Tenure structure and perceived social disorder in post-WWII suburban housing estates: A multi-level study with a representative sample of estates (2017). Acta Sociologica, (Kemppainen, T. Kauppinen, T., Stjernberg, M., Sund, R.).

Helsingin seudun 1960- ja 1970-lukujen lähiöiden sosioekonominen ja demografinen kehitys vuoden 1990 jälkeen (The socio-economic and demographic development of 1960s and 1970s housing estates in the Greater Helsinki Region) (2017). Tutkimuksia, 2017: 1. Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunginkanslia, kaupunkitutkimus ja -tilastot. (Stjernberg, M.). <>

Suomalaisten 1960- ja 1970-lukujen lähiöiden sosioekonominen kehitys ja alueellinen eriytyminen (The socio-economic development of 1960s and 1970s suburban housing estates and residential differentiation in Finland) (2015). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 2016/6. (Stjernberg, M.).

Tackling city-regional dynamics in a survey using grid sampling (2015). Survey Research Methods, 9. (Laaksonen, S., Kemppainen, T., Stjernberg, M., Kortteinen, M., Vaattovaara, M., Lönnqvist, H).