The EUSBSR SUPPORT follows the review of the governance and leadership of macro-regional strategies "Concerning the governance of macro-regional strategies", which includes the conclusions of the interviews with the Policy Area Coordinators (PACs) / Horizontal Action Coordinators (HACs) at DG REGIO. The report from 2014 provides an external view of existing management capacity of PACs/HACs in the light of their complex work.
A specific competence needs to be developed by PACs/HACs - that of using structured ways of achieving policy impact through flagships. Competences underlying Monitoring & Evaluation enable PACs/HACs develop more impactful flagships. Another factor of success is a good collaboration structure in place -developing PACs/HACs skills for carrying multileveled stakeholder dialogue, will further power the PA/HA performance.
The project outlines a 3-year process of individual, organisational and structural support that targets PAC/HACs. It pursues three specific objectives:
1) Strengthening individual performance capacity of PACs/HACs in relation to maximizing policy impact, flagship work and structured actor-dialogue.
2) Implementing continuous structured dialogue and learning throughout the EUSBSR implementation actor network, as a vehicle of cross-area impact.
3) Develop, test and conceptualize methods for monitoring & evaluation of results from respective PA/HA, to later make them available to other MRSs and other relevant context.