EUBORDERREGIONS investigates the potential consequences of increasing cross-border interaction for the development of regions at the EU's external borders and, in this way, contribute to scientific and policy debate on the future of economic, social and territorial cohesion within the EU. The project will focus on regions at the EU‟s external borders that extend from the Barents Sea Region in the far North to the Mediterranean in the South.
The project will focus on economic, social, cultural, political and environmental factors of transnational importance that will influence development and condition development options in regions at the external borders of the EU. It will do this taking into account different mesoregional contexts that affect interaction between the EU and its Neighbourhood. Furthermore, EUBORDERREGIONS will take a cross-cutting approach that both analyses socio-economic dimensions of regional change in more global terms and focuses on selected regional case studies of cohesion challenges and development potentials.
Nordregio will carry out in co-operation with partners the case study focused on Northern Sweden-Norway and Northwest Russia. Nordregio is also involved in studying urban networks between Estonia, Russia and Latvia and in the study on geopolitical and socio-economic regional dimensions of change.
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