The project partners in the Central Baltic Job Ferry project are now at the final stages of identifying the 50 most demanded professions in each partner country, as well as preparing a common list of the most demanded professions. The list includes professions related to health care, IT, metalworking and machine building, electronics, hospitality and restaurant industries, business administration, trade and different services.
The professions will be introduced in the web platform, including detailed information on professional qualifications, trainings, job opportunities, working conditions and legal issues in the common cross-border area between Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. A prototype of the web platform will be launched during the next project meeting in Stockholm 27-28 of August 2012.
When launched, the web platform will offer detailed and comparable information on professional education, life-long learning opportunities and job opportunities based on professional qualifications. This will ensure better compliance of professional qualification of labour force with labour market requirements.
Read more about the project Centralbaltic Job Ferry