Throughout the spring, researchers at Nordregio have been conducting a case study on poverty and social exclusion in the suburb of Botkyrka. As part of the ESPON TIPSE project, the case study explores a complex series of interrelated socioeconomic, urban environmental and policy factors associated with the issue, many of which have come to the forefront due to recent unrest in Stockholm.

Hallunda-Norsborg. Photo: Mitchell Reardon
A work in progress, the case study focuses on the patterns of urban and housing segregation, particularly along ethnic and socioeconomic lines, in the Stockholm region and at the local level in Botkyrka. From a socioeconomic perspective, labour market access, along with education and demographic makeup at the sub-district level have been identified as central issues. Concerning the urban environment, transportation within the municipality and across the region, housing opportunities and the built form have been identified as important elements. Preliminary findings indicate that:
- Access to the labour market is the most central poverty and social exclusion challenge in Botkyrka for new migrants to Sweden and more generally among persons with a foreign background.
- Urban planning and development, as well as housing policy, have exasperated and contributed to segregation in the Stockholm region.
- A holistic approach to poverty and social exclusion that simultaneously recognizes numerous issues across sectors is a more effective way to resolve the challenges at hand, rather than focusing exclusively on allocating "compensatory" resources to vulnerable areas.
Learn more about ESPON TIPSE
The case study, one of ten currently underway across Europe, will be published in September 2013. Together, the case studies will convey well-rounded portraits of different types of poverty and social exclusion as experienced in a wide variety of European territorial contexts. They will contribute to project's aim to support policy, both by enhancing the evidence base and by identifying existing good practice.
Read more about the project and download current reports