The Conference is organized by Nordregio and Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland.
Themes i focus on the conference will be:
● Planning and infrastructure
● Workforce and new industries
● Demography, mobility and planning
● Socio‐economy, welfare system, culture
● Urbanisation and policy implications
The themes of the conference are very much inspired by other recent changes in the Arctic economies which include a shift away from dispersed traditional land and sea-based activities, to more spatially concentrated industrial developments and a shift to mineral and petroleum resource exploration and development.
Therefore a fundamental question for the conference to address will be: What are the consequences of the urbanisation process that Arctic societies are experiencing in parallel with other ongoing economic and social changes, and how best might they be addressed?
It is the objectives of the conference to facilitate a research based discussion about the practical challenges which planners and decision-makers are experiencing in the daily work and to provide the opportunity for comparing issues and responses among Arctic societies.
See more about the conference here
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