In order to improve the preconditions for cross-border labour mobility, cooperation between all relevant actors needs to be intensified. Also targeted information has to be made available for those interested in working abroad and those willing to employ cross-border workers. This is the message of a new policy brief from the CentralBaltic JobFerry project.
Policy recommendations developed by the project partners of the CentralBaltic JobFerry project were presented during the final conference of the project on March 19 in Riga. At the conference, the policy recommendations were discussed and further developed with the participants from e.g. local and regional public authorities, national ministries, universities, employment agencies as well as employers' organisations and labour unions.
The policy brief presents policy recommendations for actors at regional, national and EU level. It especially stresses the importance of cross-border cooperation and improved flow of information, but also provides specific recommendations.
There is a need for:
- In-depth analyses and comparable data on cross-border labour mobility in order to better understand the characteristics of mobility within the EU.
- More efficient integration of cross-border labour mobility in EU regional policies.
- Clarification of roles of labour market actors in regard to mobility issues within the national and regional context.
- Intensification of cooperation between labour market actors at different levels.
- Exchange of experiences with other European regions on how to facilitate mobility especially at regional level.
- Extended support for job-seekers to overcome obstacles to cross-border mobility, e.g. by making language courses easily accessible
Download the policy brief