The Question of Quality
This issue of Nordregio News approaches the quality of life discussion from an urban-rural perspective. In doing so, we address the essential question of choice and preference for place of residence; i.e. peoples' individual experiences of quality of life in urban-rural environments. A core question is how and to what extent individual perspectives on quality of life are applied to regional planning and development?
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Residential Preferences and Quality of Life
By Petri Kahila and Stefanie Lange Scherbenske
Residential preferences play a crucial role in quality of life. People's preferences when choosing their place of residence and conducting their daily activities are closely related to quality of life. A case study from the Turku Urban Region in Finland shows that individuals have individual perceptions of quality of life. Because people do not share social, environmental, or physical preferences, planners and developers must consider this as they plan new residential areas.
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Big Changes in the Local Welfare System
By Jørgen Møller
The Danish welfare model is being challenged by rural development. Visionary, long-range municipal planning could be the solution to balance resources and needs in a well-planned geographical area.
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