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Board of Directors

Member for Denmark
Holger Bisgaard, Consultant
Bisgaards office
[email protected]

Member for Norway (chairman)
Erik Vieth Pedersen, Deputy Director-General
Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation of Norway
[email protected]
Member for Sweden
Maria Eriksson, Senior Advisor
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation
[email protected]
Member for Finland
Olli Voutilainen, Senior Officer
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
[email protected]

Member for Island
Snorri Björn Sigurðsson, Head of Regional Development Department
Icelandic Regional Development Institute
[email protected]

Member for Åland
Katarina Fellman, Director
Statistics and Research Åland
[email protected]

Member for the Faroe Islands

Member for Greenland

Representatives from Nordregio staff
Anna Karlsdottìr, Senior Research Fellow
[email protected]

Representative of the Nordic Council of Ministers
Lise Østby, Senior Advisor
The Nordic Council of Ministers
[email protected]