NordMap is the name of a new Nordic web-mapping tool for municipal and regional data on demography, labour market and accessibility. With NordMap you can analyse development trends and create, share and print customised maps with no previous mapping or GIS experience.

NordMap is the result of a project within the Nordic Working Group on Demography and Welfare, to develop an interactive web-mapping tool for monitoring the main trends in the Nordic countries with regards to demographic changes, labour-market and accessibility. The tool will provide regional and local planners and analysts across the Nordic countries with a new platform for benchmarking Nordic cities, regions and municipalities in a pan-Nordic dimension.
NordMap enables users to visualise statistical evidence at different geographical scales, taking into consideration both administrative entities and functional territories (local labour markets, sparsely populated areas, mountainous regions etc.). The objective of NordMap is to provide a tool that is highly interactive, easy to use, and that complements existing tools available at the national, regional and municipal level with a focus on Nordic added value.
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