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The map shows an uneven employment rate at a municipal level in the Nordic Countries where mostly Finnish regions and municipalities located in the eastern half of the country register rates below 70% -in orange or brown (which was the target of the Lisbon Strategy for employment rates for all regions for 2010). Other examples can be found in Sweden and Greenland. Highest employment rates -in dark green- on the other hand are found in general in Norwegian and Icelandic municipalities as well as municipalities around the Nordic metropolitan areas, especially Copenhagen and Oslo as well as Åland and some municipalities in the Faroe Islands.
(No 0175)
Johanna Roto
National Statistics Institutions, Eurostat, Arbetsförmedlingen, Ministry of employment and the economy (FI), NAV, Vinnumalastofun
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Employment rate in the Nordic municipalities and regions in 2009. LFS adjusted series.
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