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This map shows the number of females of working age (15-64 years) per 100 males of the same age across the Nordic Region at the municipal and regional level in 2016. This figure is commonly referred to as the female ratio.
The blue tones on the map represent a predominance of males within the age-group 15-64 in each municipality or region (female ratio below 98). The red tone equates to a predominance of females within the age-group 15-64 in each municipality or region (female ratio above 102). The yellow tone shows a balance between females and males in the age-group 15-64 in each municipality or region (female ratio between 98 and 102). The Nordic average is 96,6.
In general, the working age population is predominated by males in Nordic municipalities and regions. This gender imbalance is most severe in Northern Finland and Sweden, as well as in Greenland. A more balanced situation is evident in the capital areas and a small number of other municipalities scattered across the countries. There are also a small number of municipalities where female’s out number males. These are found in Denmark, Southern Finland, and Iceland.
In Nordic countries, it is typical for working age females to head for employment or education in the larger cities. This may explain the skewed gender distribution in Nordic municipalities and regions outside of a few capital or city regions.
Map id: 02226b
Shinan Wang
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Total number of females per 100 males aged 15-64
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