30 November - 1 December 2011, in Hamburg, Germany
Managing Urban-Rural Interaction for Quality of Life -Conference brings together practitioners, politicians, researchers and all interested stakeholders to share leading experiences about the current situation and future challenges within the work on quality of life and urban-rural interaction. The conference facilitates the exchange of experiences and knowledge in regard to innovative approaches and integrated management in regional development.
The conference will start on Wednesday 30th of November with presentations from several experts working in the field of urban-rural development at different levels. The morning session will be followed by interactive workshops offering a platform to discuss about new ways and methods to the work on quality of life, urban-rural interactions and stakeholder involvement. The workshops will present tested practices and tools on how to involve inhabitants and local stakeholders in planning processes and offer new perspectives on regional planning, innovative management and cooperation methods. During the conference you will also have a possibility to learn from the experiences of city-regions who have been part of NEW BRIDGES project.
The second day, Thursday 1st of December, the conference will continue with an excursion in Hamburg area to visit Harbour City, International Building Exhibition Hamburg 2013 and International Gardening Exhibition Hamburg 2013.
The Registration for the conference has now started and will remain open until the 31st of October. The conference is free of charge. For more information on accommodation and transportation in Hamburg please see Practical information. The conference language is English.
The conference is organised by the City of Hamburg and the HafenCity University, in close cooperation with the Union of the Baltic Cities Commission on Environment, ECAT-Lithuania and Nordregio.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

Photo: www.mediaserver.hamburg.de/C. Spahrbier