How a European perspective could help detecting territorial potentials and challenges - Policy seminar
11 February 2014, Brussels, Belgium

A European perspective opens up new possibilities for utilising new and underused territorial potentials for the development of regions, cities and places. Understanding the position of one's region or city in a larger territorial context and including a European perspective in strategy building and policy making is of major importance in developing new regional policy approaches, and a corner stone of the ESPON 2013 Programme.
The ESPON 2013 Programme, the European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion, shall inspire policy making by territorial evidence. The programme is being implemented through different types of priority projects, which in various ways contribute to an European knowledge base on territorial development and cohesion, including data, indicators, typologies, models and maps. For more information see
Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges (DeTeC) is an ESPON scientific platform project that strives to support local and regional practitioners and policy makers. The project has developed an interactive handbook that provides hands-on guidance to knowledge and findings coming from ESPON projects. The handbook includes analytical approaches and methods that could help detecting territorial potentials and challenges in regions and cities. It is a source of inspiration for both practitioners and policy makers working with regional policy issues at different territorial levels and focuses on how to integrate a larger European perspective in practice and policy making. For more information see the DeTeC project page.
The policy seminar:
- Invites local and regional actors (policy makers, strategic planners etc.) to learn more about ESPON and how to use ESPON knowledge by
- Providing insight into ESPON knowledge from European, national and regional perspectives and how this can help regions detecting territorial potentials and challenges;
- Demonstrating how the interactive handbook can make the ESPON knowledge more accessible and applicable.
Download programme for the seminar
Please register by email at [email protected]
The number of participants is limited, so please register by 3 February 2014.
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