Nordregio News is sent to our subscribers via email. You can also find each issue on our website, where it can be downloaded as a pdf.

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2017
Today, with increasing digitalization, the importance of physical distance is diminishing. The size of functional regions, i.e. the geographical areas in which many people both live and have their daily work and social life, is expanding beyond administrative borders. The last issue of Nordregio News this year focuses on the connections between the urban and the rural areas which is also the major topic of Nordregio Forum that was held in Oslo at the end of November, 2017. What opportunities are offered by better linkages between the urban and the rural areas? Or, is it utopian to believe that rural areas can develop and prosper in parallel with ongoing urbanization? Finally, what could the rest of the world learn from the Nordic approach to sustainable small and medium-sized cities?
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, November 2017: Connecting the urban and the rural

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2017
The Baltic Sea Region is one of Nordregio’s four main geographical focal areas. Our background has previously been on terrestrial spatial planning primarily, but Nordregio is now also increasingly involved in research and projects on maritime spatial planning.In this Nordregio News issue, you will learn more about the outcome of the Baltic SCOPE project, dealing with transboundary Maritime Spatial Planning. Also, you will find case examples on how maritime spatial planning is implemented in different parts of Europe, as well as the information about two upcoming projects - BONUS BASMATI focusing on Baltic Sea maritime spatial planning for sustainable ecosystem services and PanBaltic SCOPE. Finally, we include a youth perspective, asking how we can make the Baltic Sea a better environment for future generations?
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, September 2017: Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2017
Twenty years have passed since Nordregio was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It has been quite a ride for a small but ambitious research institution. In this jubilee issue you will get a glance of our current topics, including urbanization, a shrinking and aging population in remote areas and increasing refugee immigration. We will also provide you with some retrospective view on regional development and some optimistic projections of the future for the Nordic Region.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, June 2017: 20 years of regional development

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2017
This issue of Nordregio News focuses on innovation and governance. What are the key issues in innovation policies and how should they be considered in governance? We view this from different perspectives, but the common focus is the interests of people, their institutions and the knowledge they bring to the table.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, March 2017: Theme Innovation and governance

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2016
At Nordregio Forum 2015 ”Nordic City Regions in a Global Environment” all the international speakers emphasized unique qualities of Nordic cities’ in terms of human scale and sustainable solutions from a social and environmental perspective. The world’s leading expert on the so-called mega-projects, Professor Bent Flyvbjerg of Oxford University, stated that instead of investing in costly prestige projects we should continue to put people first in Nordic urban planning.
This final issue of Nordregio News in 2016 looks closer at some projects and concepts where people are part of the planning process. Involving citizens early in the planning processes opens up for new ideas and approaches and including art when discussing architecture and urban planning might be the way forward when planning and building sustainable cities.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, December 2016: Theme People and Cities

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2016
Old age dependency rates are rising across the Nordic countries as in most parts of Europe. Due to a selective outmigration of young people towards the cities, the dependency rates are particularly high in rural municipalities, where access to healthcare services is one of the major issues. This issue of Nordregio News focuses on recent migration flows and the Nordic societies’ readiness to welcome the newcomers.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, October 2016: Theme Migration and integration

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2016
This issue of Nordregio News focuses on the Nordic Arctic. The area shares a number of common features, such as low population density, low accessibility, low economic diversity and abundant natural resources. It is also an area of increasing international attention, due to the effects of climate change and expectations about future exploitation of raw materials and the opening of new sea routes.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, June 2016: Theme Community Involvement in the Nordic Arctic

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2016
This is a theme issue of Nordregio News, offering you an overview of industrial symbiosis in the Nordic countries. By browsing through this issue you will get a picture of what it is, why has it become a hot topic, what motivates the industries to get involved and what interesting results we have found through our case studies.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, April 2016: Theme Industrial symbiosis

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2015
This is a special issue of Nordregio News, offering you an overview of current research areas and projects that we are involved in here at Nordregio. With the new layout and content structure, we wish to make the magazine more readable and easier to navigate.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, December 2015: An overview issue on ongoing projects

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2015
Municipal reforms are gaining political momentum in the Nordic countries, which all face great social changes. Some countries have already pushed their reforms through; others are still struggling with decisions on the matter. In this issue of Nordregio News, we review current initiatives on municipal reforms in the Nordic countries. What exactly is happening now, and why?
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, September 2015: A new wave of reforms sweeping over the Nordic countries?

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2015
The seemingly contradictory processes of urbanisation and the notions of austerity and post-politics are clearly visible and materialised in current changes and developments in the Nordic planning systems and practices. In this issue of Nordregio News, some of the tensions created by this are explored by focusing on recent reforms, initiatives and developments in the Nordic planning systems.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, June 2015: Tensions in Nordic urban planning

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2015
In this issue of Nordregio News, we focus on cross-border co-operation and its impact on regional development in Nordic and European border regions.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, March 2015: Cross-border co-operation

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2014
In this issue of Nordregio News, we look at the current situation regarding the bioeconomy in the Nordic countries.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, November 2014: Bioeconomy and Regional Economic Development

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2014
In this issue of Nordregio News, we explore the issues of poverty and social exclusion in an urban European context, consider how these issues are dealt with in a suburban municipality in the Stockholm Region and learn about a distinct approach to raise awareness among policy-makers.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, June 2014: Poverty and Social Exclusion

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2014
In this issue of Nordregio News, we take a tour of territorial monitoring.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, April 2014: Monitoring Territorial Dynamics

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2014
In this issue of Nordregio News, we explore new technologies and new tools for sustainable urban planning.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, February 2014: Planning Tools for Urban Sustainability

Nordregio News Issue 5, 2013
This issue of Nordregio News examines the possibilities and advantages of cross-border innovation policies.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 5, December 2013: Innovation Across Borders

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2013
In this issue of Nordregio News we take a look at the past, present and future of ESPON.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, October 2013: ESPON - Looking Towards the Third Period

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2013
This issue of Nordregio News maps the demographic situation and challenges in the Nordic countries, especially regarding ageing population. It also examines different methods and policy responses to tackle the situation.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, June 2013: Nordic Population Ageing - Challenge and Opportunity?

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2013
In this issue of Nordregio News we focus on the discussions of how gender equality and economic development are related.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, March 2013: Gender Equality for Regional Growth

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2013
This issue of Nordregio News takes a closer look at aspects of the new programming period for the EU Structural Funds as well as the current progress in the Nordic countries towards new programmes for 2014 and onwards.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, January 2013: What Future for EU Structural Fund Programmes?

Nordregio News Issue 5, 2012
In this issue of Nordregio News we take a closer look at what Smart Specialisation entails, and consider it from a Nordic perspective.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 5, December 2012: Smart Specialisation for All Regions?

Nordregio News Issue 4, 2012
In this issue of Nordregio News we challenge existing urban geographies.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 4, October 2012: Challenging Urban Geographies

Nordregio News Issue 3, 2012
This issue of Nordregio News discusses the concept of quality of life from an urban-rural perspective.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 3, August 2012, Quality of Life and Urban-Rural Interaction

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2012
In this issue of Nordregio News we take a closer look at discussions on the role of universities and their impact on regional development.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, May 2012, Universities: Drivers of Regional Development?

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2012
In this issue we examine the possibilities of Green Economy and Green Growth, both from a practical and a policy perspective.
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, February 2012, Green Economy in Policy and Practice

Nordregio News Issue 2, 2011
This issue of Nordregio News sheds light on the debate on sustainability in urban planning. What has happened during the past two decades and what is going on today?
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 2, December 2011, Sustainable Urban Planning Revisited

Nordregio News Issue 1, 2011
In this first issue of Nordregio News we aim to provide a better understanding of the ongoing discussion on the future European Territorial Cohesion policy; and specifically the role of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020 (TA 2020).
Read and download Nordregio News Issue 1, October 2011, Europe's strive for Territorial Cohesion