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The map shows the existing major shipping routes by country, the existing ports and inland transport illustrated by means of the major roads and main railways as well as the rivers where transport is taking place. Also the distribution of all populated places is shown. What is obvious is on the one hand a relatively dense network of ports and sea routes, and on the other, the vast areas not connected by roads, or only road connections open for transport during winter time, just as railroads are only available in very few parts of the Arctic. And land-based transport lines mainly run North-South, providing limited connections across the regions. Connections, therefore, are rather unequally distributed and thus travel of any sort remains a challenge for many of the region's inhabitants. (Megatrends, p. 170)
(No 10112)
José Sterling
Arctic Data Portal, ESRI Data 2011
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Overall characteristics of transport in the Arctic (except for connections by air).
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