Vibrant, inclusive and sustainable urban environments (VULKAN ARENA)
This session is part of the Norwegian presidency programme and the project Attractive cities: Green restructuring and competitiveness in the Nordic city regions. Cities as a framework for good life for all. The project focuses on small and medium sized cities in the Nordic region that want to develop their attractiveness by ensuring good and inclusive urban environments that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. Nordic co-operation and knowledge exchange is a key element.
In this session, five small and medium sized cities will share their experiences and work towards sustainable development. Located in different parts of the Nordic region the cities share some challenges and development approaches that can be useful to others.
Arranged by: the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
Design of future sustainable transport systems for smart and CO2 neutral cities? (MATSALEN 1)

This session will investigate how collective mobility solutions such as car-sharing and “mobility as a service (MASS)” can be can be promoted to become the smart solutions of the future. The ways in which these solutions do and can interact with mainstream travel behaviour trends; demographic and socio-technical shifts; and urban-transport planning mechanisms need to be studied in detail for planning functional, smart and CO2 neutral cities. The session will present cases drawing on Nordic examples and feature preliminary findings from a Nordic Energy Research Flagship project – Sustainable Horizons in Future Transport (SHIFT).
Arranged by: Nordic Energy Research and SHIFT project
Sustainable brownfield regeneration in Nordic and Baltic cities – Transforming contaminated land into urban districts and living areas (MATSALEN 2)

How can we reshape our Nordic and Baltic cities through integrated and holistic planning and close co-operation between engineers, urban designers, private sector actors and other stakeholders such as citizens? What can we learn from examples already happening?
In the first half of this parallel session we explore what sustainable urban planning means in the context of brownfield regeneration, with some talks and case examples about different economic, social and environmental aspects.
In the second half we invite discussions around collaborative brownfield planning and its shortcomings. What would the prototype of a transformed new urban district be in our work towards sustainable development?
- 15.00–15.05 Opening & Baltic Urban Lab project in brief: Maija Rusanen, Project coordinator, Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission, Finland
- 15.05–15.30 Capturing long lasting effects on Temporary use: Emma Tytgadt, REFILL Project leader, City of Ghent, Belgium & Josefien Matthys, Neighbourhood manager, City of Ghent, Belgium
- 15.30–15.55 Finding ways to implement sustainability in remediation through procurement – Case Finnish Contaminated Land Demonstration Program: Jarno Laitinen, MSc, Project manager, Centre for Economic Development-, Transport and the Environment, Finland
- 15.55–16.20 Transformation and participatory design: Tone Berge, Architect MNAL, Kaleidoscope Nordic AS, Norway
- 16.20–16.25 Physical activity break and getting into small groups
- 16.25–17.00 Mini-workshop & Closing: What is the role of participation and participatory methods in transforming brownfields into sustainable urban districts and living areas?
The parallel session is arranged by the Baltic Urban Lab project, Central Baltic Programme. The project will contribute to improve the present urban planning and development processes in the Central Baltic Region towards more integrated and participatory mode. New methods and tools are tested in brownfield development projects in piloting cities of Norrköping, Tallinn, Turku and Riga.

Urban Communities changing Nordic Cities (POKALSALEN)
Nordic City Network is a network of cities and a think tank dedicated to develop the Nordic cities as attractive, innovative and democratic urban communities. We work as a platform, where theories are developed and ideas and experiences are exchanged.
The last years Nordic City Network has been working on exploring the Nordic city model. We have looked at the most groundbreaking urban development projects in our member cities. We have studied the organization of civil society and how we, as public servants, better can meet and support these initiatives. NCN have also investigated the basis and needs of urban business and how we can support the future trade and industry through the design of the city. We are now taking this knowledge with us when we start the work on a world exhibition of the Nordic cities in 2020. In the World Exhibition, we will exhibit our cities as they are. The target audience is the residents of our member cities and the purpose of the exhibition is to create a better understanding of how our cities work.
In this session we will examine how the Nordic cities can be developed though co-creation between urban planners, the civil society, urban business and the academy.
Arranged by: Nordic City Network